
Customer Video Testimonials

Everyone loves a pat on the back for a job well-done – and we’re certainly no exception! At Cyllenius, we’re always delighted to hear from our customers about what a fantastic service we have given them because it lets us know we’re doing right by them!

If you’ve recently used our service and want to give us some honest feedback we’d love nothing more than to hear from you. That goes for both good and bad reviews, while we always like to hear how we’ve done well, it’s always beneficial to us to learn how we can improve ourselves even more – so please let us know what you thought of our services.

Click here to leave us a Google review

If you’re still undecided about whether to use Cyllenius Travel Services for the journey that you need to take, feel free to have a look at some of these glowing reviews below to see how happy some of our customers are with our professional, reliable services:

  • HSE

    We have used Cyllenius Travel Services for many years, even when the flights land early we can rely on Tracy and her team to be there.


  • CRUK

    Thank you for organising and looking after the travel and transport for delegates at the conference.


  • JMU

    Excellent service as always.


  • Liverpool Community College

    We would not use anybody else to look after transport for our international students.

    Liverpool Community College

  • University Of Liverpool

    A lot of our departments use Cyllenius Travel and have done for many years now, we find the reliability is second to none, and we find being able to pay on account makes it easier for our visiting guests.

    University Of Liverpool

  • NHS

    Thanks Cyllenius, as always a professional service is provided in our delicate situations.


  • Merseyside Police

    Cyllenius Travel gives us the option for a discreet service whenever we require it.

    Merseyside Police

  • David Cakes

    First thing that strikes me is the professional service that is offered. Love, care and attention to every detail is something that always exceeds our expectations. Our international clients have also reiterated what a wonderful 5 star service Cyllenius Travel provide.

    David Cakes

  • Monster

    Our corporate clients absolutely love the chauffeur service Cyllenius Travel provides.


  • Bridge Street Worldwide

    A great relationship struck up with Cyllenius – you do a great job every time and recommend our apartments to your clients.

    Bridge Street Worldwide